Sarah McLachlan and Lessons to Daughters



    Being a mother of two beautiful daughters, India Ann Sushil, 8, and Taja Summer, 3, Sarah McLachlan always pay attention to everything what they do that makes them happy.

    As a singer, songwriter and musician, she has plenty of reason to give direction to her daughters to involve in music. According to Parade, she rather let her daughters to experience all to learn.

    “”I’d encourage [my daughters] to do whatever they want that makes them happy. There are two schools of thought: forcing them to take music lessons or letting them do what they want. I’m going to let them try everything and see what happens.”

    And for now, India loves is swimming than anything, just any mom, “so I’m just letting her do that as much as I can.”

    Still her children are “very musically inclined.”

    “It’s more sort of free-form singing right now.”

    McLachlan who’s going to hits the road again with Lilith Fair 2010 this summer, continues the musical lesson on her children. They both have different interest for now.

    “My older one [India] was in piano lessons for a while, but she’s not much of a joiner. She’s not one to be put into a box. She’s extremely independently minded and just wants to do her own thing.”

    “The little one [Taja] definitely has really good pitch. At a year old, she was singing ‘Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star.'”

    Lilith Fair this time is not only merry by great artist from last time, but there are also many artist from the new generation. And the 17 years old Selena Gomez is the youngest one.

    Her daughter is “pretty excited about that.” And “hoping for Miley [Cyrus]” which she “could not swing this time.”

    McLachlan contributes her analyze about Miley Cyrus‘ Adulthood and giving credit to Lady Gaga.

    “You know what, she’s [Miley Cyrus] got a lot of talent. So, there’s going to be some pissed off people and some upset kids, and probably some even more upset parents. But it’s kind of a natural progression that she does this. I’m sure she’s a good kid at heart. She certainly seems like she’s got, for the most part, some really good sense and really good parents. I don’t know her personally and I’m not one to judge. Really, ultimately, I feel bad that she has to grow up in the spotlight the way she is, that she can’t just go off and do some stupid things and no one would know about it. Now everybody  knows about it.”

    “Both Ke$ha and Lady Gaga, they write their own stuff and they’re quite talented. They have talent behind them. So yes, they’re using all sorts of different means to promote themselves. But I say more power to them. What a boring world we’d live in if we all just stayed in our nice little boxes and all did what we were supposedly supposed to do. We need people like that to push the envelope. That’s part of what entertainment value is all about.”