Jillian Michaels Shares Healthy Habits with Kids


    Jillian Michaels
    is back after two years break from The Biggest Loser. She got another title follow her, mom. She is a mother of Lukensia, 2 years, and Phoenix, 8 months.

    Like every new moms, motherhood brings a new goals and priorities, she tells In Touch about her little struggles.
    “You learn real quick what matters and what doesn’t. It used to be easy for me to work out, but I don’t have as much time now.” She continues on her way to be fit, “I can’t do my 90-minute yoga sessions anymore, so now I cycle in the morning for 30 minutes.”

    Her weight struggling has been accomplished, to maintain living in healthy way is her other goal and not only for her, but for the whole family members. Jill explains her way to share healthy habits with kids. “I’m teaching them early about healthy food and getting them involved with our meals — they’ll be in our backyard garden, hitting the farmers market with us, cooking dinners. We’ll get them doing activities they love, so fitness is fun.”

    Fans of weight loss reality show perhaps suspect the motherhood has made no-nonsense approaching mom became ‘make-sense approaching mom.’
    “[Motherhood]’s made me more no-nonsense!” she admits. “I won’t let people get away with things I might have before. I’m away from my family, so you’d better be prepared to work!”


    1. Definitely more tricky with girls. While I feel there was a big emhpasis in my house growing up on being thin and pretty (my Dad played professional baseball and unfortunately that mentality is rampant) my parents always encouraged my sister and I to be well-rounded. Looking back I almost feel like they encouraged mediocrity (ha!) but I don’t think they wanted us to be kind, friendly, athletic and to just try our best at whatever we did. Whatever the results, then that was okay with them. Maybe that was the best approach because my sister and I both got straight A’s and played year round varsity sports without feeling like we were going to disappoint my parents at any given moment.I have a 3 year old daughter and I probably took things to the extreme in the beginning. If my husband told our then 6 month old she was pretty, I would appear out of nowhere and say But more importantly, you’re smart and are good at sharing . I laugh at that now, but I don’t want her to grow up thinking that is her best trait and that if she’s not the prettiest in her class then she doesn’t have anything else to offer.Hey, Tonya. You’re smart, an amazing writer and very thoughtful mother And you’re pretty too. Ha! Had to sneak that in

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