Sarah Jessica Parker’s Fear About Health and Safety


Sex and the City star Sarah Jessica Parker has opened up about her baby joy in her first interview since announcing she is expecting twins girls by a surrogate.

Sarah Jessica, 44, appeared on U.S. TV last night where she explained she and husband Matthew Broderick, 47, decided to use a surrogate after she had problems having a successful pregnancy after the birth of their six-year-old son James Wilkie Broderick .

‘I’m excited,’ she said about the babies.
‘I’m in disbelief. I’m really grateful. I feel really fortunate. My son is so excited and my husband is so excited.’
“We’ve been trying to expand our family for a number of years and we actually have explored a variety of ways of doing so.

“This was one of the things we discussed with seriousness that had real possibilities for us.” The actress admitted she had struggled to herself get pregnant.

“I mean I couldn’t pretend otherwise,” she said.

“It would be odd to have made this choice if I was able to, you know, have successful pregnancies since my son’s birth.”

Sarah Jessica said her reaction when she was told she’d be welcoming twins. “We didn’t expect it. I think after a certain amount of time, you tend to hold your hopes at bay a bit so as not to be disappointed.

“One really would have been thrilling and we would’ve felt incredibly lucky. And two was a comedy!”

Sarah Jessica said she has shared the news with her son James.
“I’ve been pretty candid with him,” she said.

“I kind of chartered my own course with him because we wanted to keep this quiet and so I wanted to be very careful about telling him so he wasn’t burdened with a secret.

“On the other hand, I wanted him to have time to adjust to the idea of sharing his mama and his papa.

‘I feel very excited about the fact that my son is of an age now where he really will be helpful.

‘He’s really excited. He’s very much ready to be an older brother. I think it gives him a great sense of pride. It’s wonderful and I just hope for their safe arrival.”

The Hollywood actress revealed that despite being over the moon at the baby news she is scared for the safety of the expectant mother who she calls a “strong, bright, independent, thoughtful, caring, gracious and generous” woman.

Sarah Jessica said: ‘She’s had friends threatened and family threatened and she’s had family of friends threatened.

‘She’s had a friend who was thought to be her chased down a highway. This friend is nine months pregnant and she was chased down a highway by photographers.

‘The most unsavoury things have been done. She’s had her phone hacked, her personal computer information hacked, she’s had threats against her and true harassment.

She said: ‘You understand what stress, worry and fear and being scared can do. She’s quite far along in this pregnancy and she’s carrying two children.

‘There’s simply no excuse for doing this to somebody. It’s not acceptable.’

And she revealed her real fears that her ‘children’s health and safety’ should be put up risk if the surrogate were to go into early labour.

“On a daily basis, on an hourly basis, I am greatly concerned for her health and safety and the safe delivery of our children. Obviously there are those that don’t care about her, or her health, or safety, or my children’s health and safety, and that they should go to term and not go into an early labor and, god forbid, suffer all the things that can happen – that is a real possibility.”

She said: ‘It keeps me up every night. It’s really incredibly upsetting to think of her so far away and me not being able to do something, beyond what I’m legally allowed to do.’
