Thomas Beatie’s Welcoming a Baby Boy


New born baby always bring such a happiness, same with Thomas Beatie, born as a woman named Tracy then she had a sex reassignment surgery and legally change his gender, he much known as Pregnant Man.

He gave a birth his second child, a healthy baby boy early this morning. It was a natural childbirth and the baby’s name has not been discussed yet, according to a close sources. Beatie’s wife, Nancy will breastfeeding their son as she did with their first daughter, Susan Juliette, who has borned last June.

Thomas Beatie willing to bear the children when his wife Nancy, 46, was not able to. Luckily, Beatie kept his female reproductive organ.

The controversial couple also had an exclusive interviewed with Barbara about their unusual parenthood last year. On that moment, Thomas Beatie was pregnant his second child.

Even it’s unusual, still it’s the new born baby, come to strange world, innocent and shapeable child.
