Kelly Rutherford About Her Bittersweet Surprise


    Kelly Rutherford, Gossip Girl star, finally showing her baby girl, and very cute too, Helena Grace Rutherford on Life & Style.

    A beautiful mom is speaking out about her controversial divorce, her life-changing choice, her bitter custody battle and her plans to raise her two children on her own with Life & Style at her home.

    Also a mother of adorable son, Hermés Gustaf Daniel, 2 ½ year old son, says it did not take a long time for her, that she and her husband, a German entrepreneur, Daniel Giersch,  were not ideal match.

    “I met this person, I fell in love with him and I wished for the best,” Kelly tells the magazine. “He was charming in the beginning.” But soon after the birth of their son in 2006, “it was pretty obvious we weren’t getting along.”

    Still, for Hermés’ sake, she tried to make the relationship work.

    “I just didn’t want [Hermés] to go through anything he didn’t have to,” Kelly says. “I stayed until I couldn’t stay any longer, even though I knew things were rough. I wanted to be sure. When you have a child with someone, I think you have to be able to look at them and say, ‘I did everything I could,’ before you realize it’s time to move on.”

    When she realized that she’s pregnant again, she thought the baby could save their marriage, but she was wrong, she sais, “Things only got more intense.” It was even worse by her husband’s professional troubles, embroiled a set of high profile lawsuits.

    And based on her children, she took an extreme decision to divorce while she was 3 months pregnant.

    Feeling so peaceful and great, while she delivered Helena to the world, only accompanied by her doctor, her mom and her midwife. But it doesn’t mean that she is preventing him to see his daughter,

    “When you’re in labor, you don’t want the man you’re divorcing in there, especially someone who’s said cruel things about you. I was just trying to have a healthy baby through an enormous amount of stress.”

    “She was born at 10 at night, and he saw her the next morning,” Kelly  adds.

    So comfortable and peace with her two young chidren, she says, “I’m so excited to have a little boy and a little girl,” Kelly says. “Since I was very young, I’d always wanted kids, so this is a dream come true!”

    And thinking about no need of her ex husband or any man to complete her family, she has a reason for that,

    “A lot of great men, presidents even, were raised [only] by their mothers under those conditions,” she says. “The most important thing is that the children have love and stability in their lives, whether that comes from a mother or a father. [Alone], I can raise them to be much more peaceful.”

    Still having disagrement with her ex about their children, which is drain her emotional and financial, Kelly Rutherford still fights for everything she believes related to raising the children.

    I say, either mom or dad of those children are still have some problem, or perhaps painful heart in their relationship. I hope everything would be fine specially for the children sake.

    For more exclusive baby pics of Helena Grace, and the detail about Kelly Rutherford, all in Life & Style.