Isabella Rossellini Talks About Sex Education


Do you remember Isabella Rossellini? I’ll refresh your memory, just for you remember her in briefly, she is a daughter of hollywood legend, Ingrid Bergman and Roberto Rossellini, an Italian Director. And her sexy role in David Lynch’s Blue Velvet, is producing and starring in Green Porno, a series of short films about animal reproduction airing on the Sundance Channel.

She is a mother of two, first child is a daughter, Elettra Rossellini Wiedemann (born 1983), and an adopted son, Roberto (born 1992).

She believe in sex education should told earlier ; “I made the decision to tell my children right away when I thought they were ready. I tried not to push it, but they were asking questions, and when they ask questions I think it’s when they are ready to get the answers. So, one day I sat them around the table and said, ‘I have something incredible to tell you.’ My children grew up knowing about human reproduction. I never told them about the stork.”

Especially with some cases, such as her sons, Roberto whom adopted ; “When I was a little girl, I was told that babies are delivered by a stork. The stork brings the baby.  And that’s all I knew as a child. Years later, I felt like one of my babies, in a way, did come from the stork, because my son Roberto was adopted. It’s like at the beginning of Dumbo, the great Walt Disney film, the stork brings a baby to all the animals in the zoo. And it always moved me because that’s a little bit how it feels when you adopt.”

Told frankly to your children about sex, and always told them about two sides ; “It can be wonderful and sublime and a gesture of great tenderness, but also it can be very dark. So when we talk about sexuality, there is a very, very wide range of how you can live it out in your own life. I think every individual has lived some of the lightness of it and some of the darkness. So it’s not like just saying, ‘Sex is good. Just do it.’ It’s more complicated than that.”

Don’t get too strength for hearing something related to sex ; “Everybody gets a little nervous when they hear Green Porno. People say, ‘Whoa! What did you do?’ But there is nothing in it that you haven’t seen on National Geographic, only that I’m trying to say it with great humor.”

Casting herself ; “I wouldn’t know how to hire an actor and say, ‘Now you’re playing a worm having sex.’ Then if they ask me, ‘Well, what is my motivation,’ I wouldn’t know what to say. So I play all the animals to make it simpler.”

Being beautiful is blessing, but growing up beautiful is hard working ;
“I grew to be aware of it. I just thought the world was marvelous. I was like, ‘People are so kind. They open the door. You are in a restaurant filled with people, they find a table.’ Slowly, I realized that it had something to do with being beautiful. There’s an incredible advantage to beauty, which I think is a great injustice.”

How to stop all the compliments about you being beauty? “My mother was a great actress, but she never knew what to say when people would talk about how she looked. Finally, one day she said me, ‘I got the answer.’ When they say ‘Miss Bergman, you’re so beautiful.’  I just say, ‘Isn’t it lucky?’ She discovered that would bring the conversation to a stop.”

Don’t tell about the way it look, but more the way it talks ; “I was always afraid that one day somebody would find out that I wasn’t that beautiful, you know. That somebody was going to be like, ‘The king is naked,’ that, finally, there was going to be a time when they would say, ‘She is not that beautiful.’  And I would say, “Don’t start because I won’t be able to pay my mortgage if you say it too loud.'”

Mother always comes with best advice for daughter ; “My mom had a frugality and a simplicity and a down-to-Earthness that maybe was due to the fact that she was Swedish. But it was also her mom’s personality. She taught me to have her simplicity and directness and that’s what I admired most in her.”

I say, this is a good advice.
