Jessica Alba Talks About Being Hispanic



Jessica Alba is reconnecting to her Mexican heritage on Siempre Mujer, mother of Honor also wants her daughter to know more about the hispanic by learning the language.

“I know the basics, but I just hired a professor that specializes in Hispanic studies to teach me and Honor.”

Her desires to learn Spanish could not reached while she’s kid, she says, “God knows that I wish I was raised bilingual. But it wasn’t to be.”

Had through the media questioned about her Hispanic heritage when she was 18, she says,
“I tried to explain to them that in this country I’m considered Latina and, thus, I consider myself Latina as well. I grew up eating enchiladas. Even more, in my house the only American-style dish we ate was spaghetti with ground beef. I identify with Mexicans. It’s in my blood whether or not I speak Spanish.”

She explains the reason she didn’t defend herself better to journalists ad prefer to her room and “cried all night.”

“I didn’t want to misrepresent Latinos and I didn’t know how to defend myself. Since then, I’ve preferred not to comment on the subject.”

Her wishes to “make movies in Spanish” and “to be a part of it” since many stories grow and worth to sharing.

“There are so many interesting themes and stories that are worth sharing, like the lives of immigrants, for example. There’s a whole world that hasn’t been sufficiently explored and I want to be part of it…The violence on the Mexican borders, the political upheaval in Venezuela and Bolivia and the drug trafficking in Colombia.”

Surrounding by strong and confident women in family has made her strong somehow,
“In my house, all of the women surrounding me were strong and decisive. My grandmother and mother and incredibly confident. I’m a little more timid. But I think I’m strong, too. It’s a good balance, I think. I like confident people.”

Confident enough to wear panties in the movie, she tells about her conventional and conservative environment she grew up was.

“I grew up in a very Catholic and conservative environment, in which you felt guilt ridden, as if you did something wrong you would end up in hell. Thankfully, I don’t believe that anymore.”

“But if my grandmother sees me in panties in a movie, she gets really mad. Up until I was 18 years old, I was certain I was going to burn in hell.”

Her choice to be Cash Warren‘s wife caused by the same principal they had in live their life.
“He doesn’t take life so seriously. Just like me. I couldn’t be with someone who couldn’t laugh at themselves. We have a good life.”

She accept anything about herself and would not change a thing, “Well, maybe some stretch mark!”
She continues, “But about my personality, I wish I could turn my brain off every once in a while. I’m too analytical.”

Share some mother wish to her daughter, “To respect her elders. And to ask for their blessing regardless of their age.”