Wedding Plan



I have been marriage for 5 years, it’s feel like longer than 5, especially if I remember the things that we’ve been through.

I remember the day we married, we’re hiring a professional photograph to document our wedding day in Wedding album and Wedding video. Our decision was opposed by the both side of our family. They advised us to save our money for the future than spent it on something that useless. But our decision was determined.

So do we have any regrets today? Well, I had a bit, especially if I remember the money we spent…:) It could be used for something more valuable like children’s needs.

My husband said the Wedding albums we have will be more memorable when our children has grown up and we’ll be surprised with those memories whenever we look the Photobooks. I guess that will be right.

Anyway, all couples should plan the wedding to ripe, because the wedding should be exciting, memorable and another step we’ve through in our life. If you have enough money in your wedding budget, then hiring the professional is better choice. Because with wedding professionals, they can help you make all the right planning decisions and offer suggestions to save your time and money.